Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Back in town!

We are Back in town!

It has been a crazy travel month for Mountain Patchwork in October, but what a wonderful time we had at the shows.

At the WSQ-Spokane Chapter show, the attendees were greeted with a wonderful featured quilter who does amazing work. It takes awhile to look at her quilts and oooh and ahhh over them. 

While vending at the Spokane Show we met great ladies and a few gentlemen.  The guild has this show down to a fine art.  The organization of hanging the quilts, volunteers, and take down is marvelous to watch.  Such hard workers to put on the show.  And their boutique is a great place to stop and purchase a few presents for your sewing family and friends.

We usually have the same location at the show and here is a picture of our booth this year at the Spokane show.
Love the Fall/Autumn time of year and decorating with fall leaves, hay and pumpkins is additional fun.
Enjoy and Happy Stitching!